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Janek Januszkiewicz Discusses The Advantages Of Using Polyurethane Coated Implants In Breast Augmentation

While attending the Aesthetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery Conference & Workshop in Melbourne, 2013 Mr Janek Januszkiewicz with fellow attendee Dr Dennis Hammond, USA and conference organiser Mr Graeme Southwick, Australia were interviewed by Cosmetic Surgery & Beauty Magazine on implant capsular contracture following breast augmentation, prevention techniques to help avoid this and surgical treatment options should this occur.

During the conference Janek Januszkiewicz presented data on the use of polyurethane coated implants at the New Zealand Institute of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. The polyurethane coated implants have a decreased incidence of capsular contracture following breast augmentation and therefore the use of these implants helps lessen the need for further surgery with the risk of increased scarring for correction of this complication.