Entries by NZIPCS

NZ Anaesthetic Technicians Conference

This November saw the annual NZ Anaesthetic Technicians conference, which ran in conjunction with the NZ Anaesthetists conference held in Rotorua. Jenny Hembry and Raewyn Champness, 243 Surgical Centre’s theatre nurses were able to attend to remain updated with the latest happenings and thinking in the world of anaesthesia. It ran over three days and […]

ASAPS 2009 Meeting In Sydney

The Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) held their annual meeting in Sydney. Stephen Gilbert, Janek Januszkiewicz attended this meeting, along with Plastic Surgical Nurses  – Karen Baker, Karen Coubray and Kate Hunter.  These meetings provide an opportunity to be updated on current trends in aesthetic cosmetic surgery, which we find this beneficial to […]

Surgeons Report

February saw the largest ever gathering of aesthetic surgeons Down Under when more than 1200 of the world’s plastic surgeons came to Melbourne for the 19th Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).  Membership of ISAPS is by invitation only and restricted to surgeons recognised as leaders in the field of aesthetic […]